The elderly are abused in ways that most are not aware of and definitely can’t comprehend, which is expected considering most people don’t spend their time thinking about elder abuse. Two of the most predominant ways that seniors can be abused are financially and psychologically. According to top psychologists for every 1 case of elderly abuse that is reported many others go unnoticed. The elderly are specifically targeted by people looking to extort money or to gain power over them because of their older age, decreased awareness and declining competence that comes with older age.
The intent of this article is to illuminate nefarious ways that abusers use to harm those elderly loved ones that you hold to heart so you may proactively prohibit such horrible things from taking place.
The most prevalent ways that seniors are taken advantage of are:
- Forging their signature in order to get money or other important documents signed by them.
- Social engineering them over the phone. For example, making them believe that they have a loved one held hostage to extort money.
- Using the elderly’s possessions without their knowing or permission.
- Pretending to be their friend to gain personal information to use against them.
- Tricking them into signing false insurance documents that actually give the perpetrator power to their belongings when they die.
Main reasons that the elderly are targeted on such a consistent basis:
- They may have poor memory, therefore they can be tricked into paying for things that they already payed for or signing things that they have already signed.
- Many times the elderly have lost people close to them and have emotional soft spots which could be turned towards a con artists advantage.
- They may have physical disabilities which may make them more vulnerable to psychical mistreatment.
- They may be eager for attention and for somebody to connect with.
These are just some of the ways that the elderly are taken advantage of. Hopefully this will raise your awareness about some of the types of abuse that the elderly goes through and help you take action to preclude these things from happening in the first place. You would be surprised how easily some of these things can be prevented.
A few things that you can do to prevent elder abuse:
- Making sure that the elderly are getting enough exercise and eating properly to keep their health at a functional level.
- Ensuring that you are giving the elderly plenty of attention and making them feel included in social activities.
- Making sure that they are up to date on all their health checkups and not letting months go without getting them in front of a doctor or health professional.
These are just some of the ways that you can reduce elderly abuse, but are enough to get started …now it’s up to you to do something about it.
Have you or a loved one been a victim of elder abuse?
If so you are not alone. With over 45 years of combined experience in elder abuse and nursing home abuse, the Peck Law Group elder abuse attorneys will ensure you or your loved one gets the help you need. Please call us today for your free case evaluation at (818) 908-0509 or 760-898-772, or fill out the contact form on our website.
Steven Peck, ESQ.
About the Author
Attorney Steven Peck has been practicing law since 1981. Within the first three years, after some colleagues and friend’s parents endured nursing home neglect and elder abuse, he continued his education to protect those involved in personal injuries. For over 43 years, his dedication has been unyielding. Steve's approach to client representation and care is deeply respected by his colleagues and clients alike. Steven Peck has extensive trial experience and has recovered tens of millions of dollars in damages for clients.