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San Diego Nursing Home Abuse Attorneys

San Diego, California’s top nursing home abuse and neglect attorneys.

If your loved one has suffered an unexplained illness or injury while residing in a nursing home, The Peck Law Group is here to help you and your loved one fight for your rights.  The attorneys at The Peck Law Group are San Diego, California’s leading nursing home abuse and neglect attorneys.  They work hard to provide aggressive representation for the victims of nursing home negligence and abuse.  The Peck Law Group handles the following types of cases, and more:

Injuries and Falls – Nursing homes are obligated to take measures to ensure the safety of their residents and must also provide proper supervision to help avoid the occurrence of injuries.  Financial compensation is typically the result when a nursing home has failed to take proper safety measures and provide adequate supervision.

Bedsores – When bedsores occur in a nursing home resident, they can lead to serious complications and potentially even lead to death.  Nursing home staff must be trained to notice signs of bedsores and to take action to prevent them.  For the failure of a nursing home facility to adequately train their staff, a resident who is suffering bedsore injuries may be entitled to compensation.

Financial Abuse – The number one type of elder abuse in nursing homes involves financial exploitation.  Staff members at the facility may inappropriately and unethically use their position of power over the residents to convince them to act against their own financial interests.  Staff members may also commit theft or forgery without the elder resident’s awareness to take advantage of their finances.

Insufficient Staffing – A major issue in nursing home facilities today is the trend of under-staffing the facility.  In an effort to reduce expenses, many nursing home facilities attempt to get by with fewer staff members than they should.  Cutting corners like this, unfortunately, can lead to the residents of the home being neglected or suffering from injuries.

Mistakes with Medication – Another common occurrence in nursing homes is for the staff to make medication mistakes.  These types of mistakes can include disbursing the incorrect medication to a resident, medication overdoses and instances of under-medicating can cause serious problems and can be life-threatening mistakes.  The Peck Law Group may be able to help get compensation for medication mistake claims.

Malnutrition and Neglect – A resident suffering from neglect and malnutrition can be very dangerous and may even result in death.  A nursing home facility must provide proper care of its residents, and for its failure to take care of its residents’ basic needs, it may be liable under the law.

With multiple offices throughout California, The Peck Law Group’s nursing home abuse attorneys can you assist you with your case including:

No one should have to suffer from nursing home abuse or neglect.  Contact the Peck Law Group today to speak with an experienced attorney who can help you determine if you have a claim against a nursing home for compensation.  Call us at 866-999-9085 right away for more information and a free consultation.  Your free consultation will be confidential, and we do not get paid unless we win financial compensation on your behalf.


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